Fabulous Fall Decor for Your Home

5 Simple Ways to Make Your Home Feel Like Fall

It’s that time of year again when the world is decked out in all things pumpkin.

Ok, so maybe that’s more of a USA thing? I haven’t been to Europe lately, or ever for that matter. Do they go crazy for fall decor like we do here? (If you’re reading this from Europe, feel free to answer this otherwise rhetorical question in the comments. And thanks for reading!)

Do you find yourself wanting to spruce up your living space with fall- themed decor, but don’t want to spend a whole lotta money doing it? This post can help!

Here are 5 easy and cheap ways to deck your home out for this cozy season.

  1. Fall wreath or doormat (or both).

    Who doesn’t love a fall wreath? The options are truly endless. Just today, I was strolling through Target and saw at least 3 beautiful wreaths that would look great on my front door. I decided to save some cash though, because I already have a fall wreath that I love. If you don’t love the wreath idea, maybe you’d prefer a fall-themed door mat instead.Cozy fall wreath for front door

  2. Basket of blankets in the living room. There’s no easier way to encourage comfort and cuddling than with a soft blanket. A great way to prep your living room for colder weather is to take a stack of blankets and arrange them in a basket. You can probably gather everything you need from around the house without spending a dime.fall blankets piled on couch
  3. Fall-scented hand soaps in each bathroom. I may or may not have a problem with purchasing too many fall-scented hand soaps. Our home has three bathrooms, so when fall rolls around, I make sure each bathroom has its own signature scent. In the kids’ bathroom, for instance, there is a kid-friendly scent that encourages frequent hand washing. Because my fall soaps smell so good, I find myself wanting to wash my own hands more often. It’s a win-win! fall scented soaps
  4. Scented candles. Let’s get this confession out of the way real quick: I have a THING for candles. I have such a thing for candles that they are on my “not allowed to buy” list. (Please tell me you have one of these such lists!) I still can’t stop buying them, especially when they smell like fall. Or pumpkins. Or freshly- baked sugar cookies. A sure fire way (did you catch that pun?) to make your home smell like fall is to burn those fall-scented candles! Just remember to blow them out and keep them out of reach of the little hands in your house. fall scented candles
  5. Featured craft project made by you and your kids. At our former home in FL, my son and I decorated foam pumpkins from the Dollar Store (love that place). They turned out so cute, I used them as my dining table decor all fall. I’ve turned this idea into a fall tradition. Every year around fall, my kids and I will visit a craft store and pick up supplies to make our own special fall craft to display in our home. Have you tried a fall craft with your kids? It’s a fun way to connect and create some cute decorations for your own home.
    Halloween themed masks
    This year’s craft was coloring fun Halloween- themed masks!

    Halloween themed masks

Am I missing something that should be on this list? Be sure to let me know in the comments! Here’s to hoping you make the most out of this beautiful season that’s upon us!  And drink all of the Pumpkin Lattes you can handle!  Happy Fall!

fall wreath on door