Create a Summer Bucket List

How To Make a Seasonal Family Bucket List

Four times a year, the season changes (well, at least for us here in KY), and with it come new priorities and wishes for the upcoming season. This post will walk you step by step through creating a seasonal family bucket list that will help you plan and create fantastic memories all summer long!

You all. Summer is here! Please excuse me while I go do a happy dance around my house.

Ok, I’m back. I’m just so happy that it’s summer, I can hardly contain it. I just finished my seventh year of teaching public school, and while I really do love what I do ten months out of the year, there’s something amazing about those 8-9 weeks of summer vacation. Maybe it’s the fact that I don’t have to set an alarm. Or that I get to be home with my kiddos and spend some much-needed family time with them. Or just that things are low key and easy-going during summer. It’s probably all of those things.

With the change of season, I’ve been thinking about what I want to accomplish over the months of June, July, and August. Always the goal setter, I know. I usually set goals for summertime, but since I’ve started CM now, I figured I would step things up a notch and create a summer bucket list this time. Then I decided to share the love and create a lovely printable for anyone else who’d like to make a summer bucket list.

Here’s what I ended up with.

summer, goals
Summer bucket list printable!

I am so happy with this cute little printable! The best part: it is absolutely FREE to you. Get yours here.

Maybe you like the printable, but you’re not really sure how to make a bucket list. Read on, sister!

What is a bucket list?

A bucket list is really just a fancy name for a list of things you’d like to accomplish “someday”. This bucket list is a little different in that it has a definitive time to be worked on, during summertime.

Your bucket list doesn’t have to be filled with big, lofty goals that you aren’t sure you can accomplish in a short period of time. Your list might include items like “make s’mores in the backyard” and “pick seashells at the beach with my kids”. It really doesn’t matter, as long as it’s important to you.

Why does your family need one?

Do you ever think on the first day of summer vacation, This is great! I’ve got so much time. Then you fast-forward about two days (it seems), and summer is wrapping up? This seemed to happen to me every summer, until I started making goals and planning adventures for the season.

Your family needs a bucket list so you can capture what’s important for each of you to experience in this short season and then encourage you to action! If you put the bucket list in a visible place, you stand an even better chance of working on it often.

How to create your bucket list

Now that you’re ready to make a bucket list, here’s how to get started:

  • Download your FREE printable here.
  • Gather your family together and tell them you’re creating a list for the summer of things you want to do, adventures you want to have, etc. However you want to word it to get your family excited to plan.
  • Start brainstorming ideas! Write down all of the ideas, then later you can pair them down before they go on your official list.
  • Decide on 9 items to put on the list. (Note: you may be wondering why I included 9 lines on the bucket list printable. This was actually intentional. I decided on 9 items so you can focus on 3 per month for the months of June, July, and August. I don’t want your list to feel overwhelming or even worse, feel like a chore. Each item on it should excite you. This is not your ordinary task list after all.)
  • Print out the blank bucket list and add your 9 goals.
  • Be sure to put your list in a visible place where you see it every day.
  • As you complete an item, check it off! Don’t forget to take lots of pictures.

Woohoo! If you weren’t excited for summer before, I hope you are now that you have some awesome things to do.

In my next post, I’ll share what’s on our family bucket list this summer😃.

Drop a comment below with something that’s on your list for the summer! And don’t forget to grab your FREE printable!

Here’s to an awesome, creative summer!

goals, seasons, summertime