Day 1: Week of Thanks

Day 1: Week of Thanks

I’m kicking off the #weekofthanks with a great quote.

Germany Kent said, “It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”

Isn’t that so true? Another way of saying it is “what you focus on grows,” so if you focus your thoughts on being thankful for your blessings, your blessings seem to magically magnify while your hardships seem smaller.

For today, the first day of this #weekofthanks, I’m thankful for churches that truly love on their people and their communities.

I don’t often talk about my faith on this blog, but it is an important part of my life. In fact, you could even say it’s a foundational part of my life. I don’t know how I could successfully raise my two children if I didn’t have the name of Jesus to call on multiple times a day.

I’ve grown up in the church. When I say “the church”, I mean more than one. In the three different states where I’ve lived throughout my life, I’ve attended some amazing churches. The church I attend now is included in that list. A huge reason why I love my current church is because it loves on the local community so very well.

Self-righteous churches are odious to me (as I’m sure they are to many). I want a place I can go, struggles and all, and still be loved for who I am, because God still loves me for who I am. He made me who I am.

Bullet journal gratitude

To every church out there loving on your people, serving the homeless a hot meal, visiting with widows and widowers, or helping foster kids find respite, I am so very thankful for you today! You are Christ’s hands and feet on this earth, whether you realize it or not. You are a beautiful solution to so many hurting souls around you. Thank you!

I stumbled on this quote a couple weeks ago, and it really struck me because it truly describes the kind of church I always hope to find myself attending.

“I’d rather attend church with messed up people who love God than religious people who dislike messed up people.” (Author unknown)

Now it’s your turn. What are you thankful for today? Please leave a comment below! Until tomorrow, friend.